
The Federation of Farnham and Rickling Primary Schools

Through faith and nurture, we thrive. ‘Life in all its fullness.’ JOHN 10:10

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Well Being Resources for Families


On the Place2Be website, there are lots of valuable resources to help parents support their child's wellbeing.  The wellbeing resources for families can help parents start conversations with their child, and encourages them to enjoy quality time together as a family.  All of which are important for everyone's wellbeing in a family.

Parenting Smart

This section on Place2Be's website provides tips and advice for 48 different topics.

Art Activities from the Art Room

Place2Be's Art Room team are specialists in using art to support and enhance children children and young people's wellbeing. These projects offer space to explore a wellbeing theme through creative art activities, stories and conversation. Each project can help children, young people, and adults nurture their relationships together whilst having fun.  Click on the link to access resources for the themes shown below.
