
The Federation of Farnham and Rickling Primary Schools

Through faith and nurture, we thrive. ‘Life in all its fullness.’ JOHN 10:10

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School Information for SEND

Our SENDCO is Ms Emma Woods


She can be contacted through the school office on  or


Our SEND governor is Mrs Kathyrn Mayle.


Please find below a range of information and documents relating to our Special Education Needs Offer.  The policies listed below can also be found on our Policies page.

The following two documents are used to support provision at the Federation of Farnham and Rickling Primary Schools

The Federation of Farnham and Rickling Primary Schools has signed up to the Essex Inclusion Statement.


The Essex Inclusion Statement is a set of aspirations and principles which was developed by the Essex SEND Headteacher Roundtable and reflects the partnership working between school leaders from early years, primary, secondary, special schools and academies; and the Local Authority in developing a school-led approach to SEND across the system.


It is not a contract, but it is an indication of the partnership between school leaders and the Local Authority in developing truly inclusive practice in relation to SEND in Essex. The statement is a values based statement of principle and intent. 


Ease of Access to Farnham


Our main building is a single storey building.  Our internal stairs lead to our headteachers office and meeting room which are not used by pupils. 

Access through the main door to the school is level (slight lip over door frame).  Access for our children is level and there are level flooring throughout the building. 


There is a step between Horse Chestnut and the main office.  We have a portable ramp that can be used if required. 

Our third classroom is in a demountable building, which is accessed via steps or a ramp.


Our school hall is completely accessible at floor level and has a large accessible toilet. 


Ease of Access to Rickling


Our main building is a single storey building.  Our internal stairs lead to our music room, although we have an alternative accessible music room.

Access through the main door to the school is level (slight lip over door frame).  Access for our children is level and there are level flooring throughout the building.  We have ramp access to Beech, Acorn and Oak class.


Our school hall is completely accessible with level flooring. 
