
The Federation of Farnham and Rickling Primary Schools

Through faith and nurture, we thrive. ‘Life in all its fullness.’ JOHN 10:10

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COVID Catch Up

Our COVID catch up approach


At The Federation of Farnham and Rickling we view catch up as restoration.  We take a holistic, nurturing approach to the restoration and acceleration of attainment and progress. 


We are:

- Providing those children that need it with 1:1 tutition with establish teachers that know the children well.

- Using members of SLT to supplement this tution where needed. 

- Investing in staff training and the implementation of metacognitive strategies across the school.

- Using our enhanced program of Forest Schools and Out and About to provide resortative well-being sessions.

- Taking part in the Nuffield Language Program (NELI)

- Using Welcom resources

- Investing again in our successful Lexia program.
