
The Federation of Farnham and Rickling Primary Schools

Through faith and nurture, we thrive. ‘Life in all its fullness.’ JOHN 10:10

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Valued, Respected and Empowered

Living out our Vision and Values

In order for our children at Farnham and Rickling to live out our vision and values, we believe it is important that they feel valued, respected and empowered. We work with the children, supporting them in both understanding what it means to feel valued, respected and empowered and also in recognising times when they may experience feeling valued, respected or empowered.  We believe that if children feel valued, respected and empowered at our schools, a positive impact can be had on their learning and well-being.  


Videos that have helped our children to feel valued, respected and empowered.

Here are some examples of pictures used for discussion about how we think the children in them might be feeling ...

Examples of children at Farnham and Rickling feeling valued, respected and empowered. Pictures include our Expert Showcase, Careers Fair, Dance Festival, working with the Reverend, Courageous Advocates at work, Charity and community work and performing.
