Come and meet the staff at our schools!
Headteacher Mrs Tracey Bratley
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Kathy Snelling
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Tracey Bratley
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kathy Snelling
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Sara Haughey
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Tom Flack
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Jess Greenwood
SENCO: Ms Emma Woods
Emma can be contacted through the school office on or She can be contacted by telephone by calling the school office at Farnham on 01279771339 or Rickling 01799543274.
EYFS/KS1 Lead: Mrs Jessica Greenwood
Farnham Teachers
Mrs Jessica Greenwood
| Willow Class - Reception Year 1 & Year 2 | Mrs Jessica Greenwood is Humanities and Computer Lead for The Federation & EYFS/KS1 Lead |
Mrs Janet Parker / Ms Emma Woods
| Silver Birch Class - Years 3/4 | Mrs Janet Parker is the Music Lead for The Federation
Ms Emma Woods is SENDCO for The Federation |
Mrs Sara Haughey | Horse Chestnut Class - Years 5 & 6 | Healthy Schools Co-ordinator Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead PSHCE Leader |
Rickling Teachers
Mrs Helen Hodges | Acorn Class Reception | Mrs Helen Hodges is Well Being Leader for The Federation |
Miss Zoe Burrows (Maternity Leave) Miss Phelisia Grindrod | Oak Class Years 1 & 2 | Miss Zoe Burrows is PE Leader for The Federation |
Mrs Kathy Snelling Mrs Dasha Bannerman
| Beech Class Years 3 & 4 | Mrs Snelling is Deputy Headteacher RE, English and Science Leader for The Federation
Mr Tom Flack | Maple Class - Years 5 & 6 | Mr Flack is Maths and Design & Technology Leader for The Federation |
Ms Emma Woods | SENDCO |
Farnham Support Staff
Mrs Debbie Haddad | Office Manager/Finance Manager |
Mrs Rebecca Osborn | Office Assistant |
Mrs Denise Benfield | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs Julie Veasey | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Sharon Davies | Catering Assistant |
Cleaning Company | Well Polished |
Rickling Support Staff
Mrs Rachael Rielly | Office Manager |
Mrs Lucy Quinn | Office Admin Support |
Mrs Kerry King | Teaching Assistant |
Miss Susana Neto | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs Debra Lay | Teaching Assistant Mid-day & Catering Assistant |
Mrs Dasha Bannerman | Teaching Assistant & MFL Lead |
Mrs Charlotte Williams / Mrs Nicola Mayes | Catering Manager |
Cleaning Company | Actual Cleaning Services |